Blood Beach (1981)

Blood Beach is an American horror film from 1981 written and directed by Jeffrey Bloom. Starring David Huffman, John Saxon, and Burt Young.

Plot Blood Beach

In Blood Beach a thing is attacking people from below the sand on the beach. The lucky people are only mutilated but the majority of people that are attacked get sucked under the sand, never to surface again.

David and Mariana a couple of friends that where once lovers reunite because the mother of Mariana was killed on the beach. They search for clues how to counter the creature under the sand…

Notable scenes

The sand swallowing scenes.

Making of Blood Beach

The movie’s tagline directly spoofed Jaws 2 (1978), “Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water”, by saying instead, “Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water–you can’t get to it”.

This is one of the movies made to cash in on the success of Jaws (1975).

The look of the monster has frequently been compared to that of the subtropical carnivorous plant Venus fly-trap.

The setting was the Santa Monica (CA) State Beach, where the film was shot.

Horror film veterans John Saxon (Elm Streets; Black Christmas), Burt Young (Rocky, Amityville II), and Pamela McMyler Halloween II) are featured

Our view on Blood Beach 

Blood Beach has you grabbing the popcorn while you watch a trashy movie.. And it must have been a rotten job  to do the “swallowed by the sand” effects. Burt Young’s character is a great detective parody and Saxon, who appears later in the film, plays a character like that in “Black Christmas”. Exploitflix must see!


Where to buy


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Genre: horror
Released in: 1981
Director: Jeffrey Bloom
Poster artist: unknown
Country: USA


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