Devil Hunter (1980)

Devil Hunter is a splatter film directed by Jesús Franco in 1980. He used the alias Clifford Brown.Starring All Cliver and Ursulla Buchfellner. It is one of the video nasties that were banned in the United Kingdom in the eighties.
Laura (Buchfellner) is kidnapped and held in the jungle for ransom.
Peter (Al Cliver – The Beyond, Zombie) is sent to find her and the ransom. The kidnappers have their way with Laura in the mean time.
The ransom exchange goes bad, and Laura escapes into the jungle. But there are cannibals in the jungle. Peter goed to the boat with his partner and finds out that Laura has escaped into the jungle. He sets out to find her. Laura has been captured by the cannibals.
They rape her and want her for their next meal. But not if Peter saves her from the cannibals and the devil boss first…
Notable scenes
The brutal and nude scenes.
Making of Devil Hunter
The movie was available in the UK as a pre-cert (and now very rare) vhs before being banned and placed on the list of official video nasties.
The demon’s bug-eyes were created with ping-pong balls that had tiny holes poked in them to allow the actor to see.
This movie is often confused with Jess Franco’s l movie from the same year, White Cannibal Queen (1980).
Writer Julián Esteban came up with the idea for this film.
Our view on Devil Hunter
Director Jesus Franco is a legend in the exploitation film field and although sometimes this film is boring too long and laughable. It still deserves a watch with all the gore and nudity. Exploitflix watchlist.
Where to buy
Watch on Youtube
Youtube link
Genre: cannibals
Released in: 1980
Era: eighties
Actors: Al Cliver, Ursulla Buchfellner
Director: Jesus Franco
Poster artist: Unknown
Country: Spain