Terror Squad (1987)

Terror Squad is a low-budget action thriller directed by Peter Maris from 1987. The film follows a group of Libyan terrorists who launch an attack on a small American town. Though largely overlooked in mainstream cinema, Terror Squad has gained a cult following due to its over-the-top action, unique setting, and campy yet entertaining execution.
Plot Terror Squad
The story takes place in Kokomo, Indiana, where a terrorist group seeks revenge on the U.S. by attacking a nuclear power plant. After their initial plan is foiled, they go on the run, taking hostages at a local high school. What follows is a tense standoff between the armed terrorists, local authorities, and a group of high school students caught in the chaos.
The film combines elements of hostage drama with action-packed sequences, culminating in a violent showdown between the invaders and law enforcement.
Notable Scenes
One of the films most memorable moments is the intense chase sequence through the streets of Kokomo, featuring explosions, car crashes, and reckless gunfire. Another highlight is the climactic high school battle, where the students and police join forces to fight back against their captors.
The film also has several unintentionally humorous moments, with exaggerated performances and low-budget special effects adding to its charm.
Making of the Movie
Terror Squad was filmed on location in Kokomo, Indiana, which was an unusual choice for an action film. The small-town setting gave the movie a distinctive look, contrasting with the typical urban backdrops of similar films. The production was limited by budget constraints, which resulted in some rough editing and questionable special effects. However, the filmmakers made the most of their resources, delivering plenty of action sequences and explosions. While lead actor Chuck Connors brings some credibility to the film as the towns police chief, the supporting cast consists mostly of unknown actors.
Our View on the Movie
While Terror Squad may not be a masterpiece, it remains an entertaining action flick for fans of 80s B-movies. The combination of a unique setting, over-the-top action, and unintentional camp makes it a fun watch for those who appreciate low-budget action films. Though it lacks the polish of Hollywood blockbusters, its commitment to delivering non-stop action and its obscure cult status make it worth checking out. If you enjoy movies that embrace their flaws and deliver pure entertainment, Terror Squad is a hidden gem worth watching. Exploitflix must see!