2019 After the fall of New York (1983)

2019 After the Fall of New York story starts after a nuclear war. In this dystopic future there is only one fertile woman on Earth. A mercenary, Parsifal infiltrates New York City to rescue her from the evil group Euraks.
The film was influenced by John Carpenter’s Escape from New York and George Miller’s Mad Max 2 and was directed by Italian director Sergio Martino (as Martin Dolman) and starring Michael Sopkiw and Valentine Monnier..
In 1999, a war between the Pan-American Confederacy and the Eurac Monarchy (Europe, Africa, and Asia) resulted in a nuclear war. 20 years later, radiation has rendered all remaining humans sterile, and the victorious Euracs have occupied Manhattan and hunt survivors for genetic experiments. Only one fertile female remains and mercenary is hired to save her from New York City.
Notable scenes
The fight in New York are over the top but fun.
The car and motor scenes and the dated special effects are worth watching.
Making of 2019 After the fall of New York
The film was influenced by John Carpenter’s Escape from New York and George Miller’s Mad Max 2.
The story has some similarities with Children of Men(2006). Besides the idea of the lack of fertile women in Earth, both films include a scene with Picasso’s painting Guernica in the background. Alfonso Cuaron was inspired by this exploitation piece for Children of men.
Our view on
2019 After the fall of New York has extended action sequences, shoot-outs and gory bits shot with excitement that is key in Italian Exploitation cinema. The movie’s premise and layers make this a real Exploitflix gem. Just watch!
Where to buy
Watch on Archive.org
Genre: post apocalyptic
Released in: 1983
Era: eighties
Actors: Michael Sopkiw, Valentine Monnier, Anna Kanakis, George Eastman
Director: Sergio Martino
Poster artist: Renato Casaro
Country: Italy