Firewalker (1986)

Firewalker is an American action adventure comedy film from 1986 directed by J. Lee Thompson. Starring Chuck Norris, Louis Gossett, Jr., Will Sampson and Melody Anderson. It was a cash-in on the Romancing the Stone and indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom films.
Plot Firewalker
Max Donigan (Chuck Norris) sets off on a treasure hunt with his friend Leo (Louis Gosset Jr.)
They meet a new female partner named Patricia. Patricia had obtained a treasure map that shows the location of the treasure.
After they get into a few bar fights, meet the evil coyotes, and overcome other obstacles they are on their way to the temple where the treasure is located.
There they meet the Firewalker, a man who wants to retain the power of his ancestors and stop anyone from finding the treasure…
Notable scenes
The fight scenes.
Making of Firewalker
Filming took place in Mexico.
The film was one of Cannon’s strongest performing movies at the box office.
John Rhys-Davies appeared in another action comedy adventure flick about treasure hunters, Raiders of the Lost Ark (1980) and King Solomon’s Mines (1985)
Roger Ebert gave the film one star and called it derivative of the then recent hit Romancing the Stone (1984)
This was the second collaboration between actor Miguel Ángel Fuentes, and director J. Lee Thompson. The first was in the Charles Bronson movie “The Evil That Men Do(1984).”
Body builder Lou Ferrigno, who played “The Incredible Hulk” in the television series of the same name, was working as Norris’s personal trainer during production of the film.
Our view on Firewalker
Firewalker is a fun comedy adventure that took inspiration from movies like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Romancing the Stone or Jewel of the Nile. With two fortune hunters and a pretty girl (Melody Anderson from Flash Gordon) treasure hunting. Exploitflix popcorn flic!