Domino (1988)

Domino, is a 1988 Italian erotic drama film directed by female director Ivana Massetti.Starring Brigitte Nielsen as Domino.
A girl in the video industry travels with a jeweled turtle and makes Billie Holliday videos. Though having relations with some of her friends, she is looking for love. She begins getting calls from a stranger who tells her not to worry, that he’ll watch over her. But when she wants to meet him he does not show up.
Notable scenes
The sex scenes but they are a bit boring too.
Making of Domino
Brigitte Nielsen was pregnant and had a miscarriage during the filming of this movie.
The film was made in the mid 80’s when music videos were still rare and female film directors even rarer. The original director quit and female ditector Ivanna Massetti was given the picture. She was a well-respected commercial director in France and this film was her directorial debut. Using the techniques learned from esoteric commercials and music videos she gambled and lost in attempting to tell the story of Domino visually without much connective narrative.
Our view on Domino
Domino has a lot of atmosphere, the scenes are dreamlike and combined with the jazzmusic it adds to the style of the movie. Not for everyone. Some might find it boring. Brigitte Nielsen plays a glamorous director named Domino who’s on a quest of self discovery to see if she can truly fall in love. Meanwhile, she’s become the object of a stalker who’s had his eye on her for some time. When Domino becomes obsessed with his identity, she quickly turns the tables on her pursuer. Some might find it too slow. The artwork by Enzo Sciotti is beautiful.
Where to buy
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Genre: sexploitation
Released in: 1988
Era: eighties
Actors: Brigitte Nielsen, David Warbeck
Director: Ivana Massetti
Poster artist: Enzo Sciotti
Country: Italy