Slaves of Morgana le Fey (1971)

Slaves of Morgana Le Fey (French: Morgane et ses nymphes) is film by Bruno Gantillon from 1971 made in France. It is an sexploitation horror film involving Morgan le Fay and a castle full of women in the French countryside. Starring Dominique Delpierre, Mireille Saunin, Michèle Perello, Alfred Baillou.
Plot Slaves of Morgana le Fey
Two young women, Anna and Françoise travel by car through the Auvergne.
Having run out of gas near an odd villager, they spend the night in a barn where they make love.
The next morning, Anna is gone and a dwarf in medieval garb guides Françoise through a forest (later identified as Brocéliande) to a lake, where a magic canoe carries her to an island, and then to a castle where scantily clad women frolic and kiss, overseen by the dwarf Gurth. Françoise is interviewed by Morgan le Fay and bathed by some of her women, the Slaves of Morgana le Fey. Gurth reveals in a monologue that he procures the women for Morgan and has aspirations to take over.
During dinner, Morgan and Françoise discuss love and beauty, and Morgan reveals that time is at her command. Afterward, she proceeds to caress and kiss Françoise, Anna, tied up in the basement, accepts the offer, but Françoise escapes to look for the boat. She manages to swim across, only to find Morgan waiting for her on the other side, wherever she turns; she takes her back to her castle and promises to teach her magic.
Françoise, however, schemes with Gurth to escape, and a feast the next day appears to be a good occasion to get a magic necklace and other items together. Dances are performed and groups of women engage in various kinds of lovemaking;
Françoise makes love to the woman who has the magic tunic, and runs off with it. Morgana le Fey can’t let this happen…
Notable scenes
scenes showing 3 slave women performing lesbian sex and drinking wine from one girl’s breasts
shots of a naked girl masturbating, and the entire opening scene where a bound naked girl is expelled from a manor by a tribunal for having unclean thoughts.
Making of Morgane le Fey
Although the 1999 Pagan release was passed uncut by the BBFC the print had been pre-edited by around 4 minutes before submission.
Our view on Morgane le Fey
Where to buy
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Genre: lesbianhorror
Released in: 1976
Era: seventies
Actors: Dominique del Pierre, Mireille Saunin
Director: Bruno Gantillon
Country: France
Poster artist: unknown