The Beast in Heat (1977)

The Beast in Heat (La Bestia in Calore) is an Italian exploitation film from 1978. Starring Macha Magall and Salvatore Baccaro as the beast. Directed, written, and edited by Luigi Batzella.
This is one of many so called Video Nasties about fictionalized World War 2 Nazi POW camp atrocities.
A beautiful, nefarious senior female SS officer/doctor (Magall) creates a genetic, mutant human Beast (half man/half beast). The Beast is a rapacious, squat, mongoloid sex fiend which she uses to torture and molest female prisoners while the Nazis watch.
The vertically challenged beast is kept on a diet of mega-aphrodisiacs.
Notable scenes
The beast rape scenes.
Making of the Beast in Heat
The film was listed as one of the DPP’s 72 video nasties in the UK and even made the final list of 39 official titles for prosecution.
The ‘rats’ under the bucket in the torture scene are actually Guinea Pigs painted black.The scene where Dr. Kratch first encounters the four nude women is shown in reverse as evidenced by the armband on the wrong arm and swastika reversed.
A sex scene between the prostitute and the German soldier is interrupted by a phone call. When the two separate it is obvious that the soldier’s private parts were actually “sheathed” the entire time.
Our view on the Beast in Heat
Luigi Batzella’s the Beast in Heat is a sleazy and hilarious and just plain sick nazi exploitation dilm that beats every other film of the questionable genre. The film rips so many other films and documentaries off it makes you laugh.There are many scenes of some war documentaries that have extremely bad picture quality.The same thing is with Bruno Mattei’s “Hell of the Living Dead” that rips also everything possible off,including the Goblin score from “Contamination” and “Dawn of the Dead”.The Beast in Heat is also very graphic with its violence,mainly towards naked females that get abused and sexually violated as we can expect. Plenty of nudity and pubic hair ripped off and then eaten by the monster and so on.The film doesn’t even have a credits in its beginning; every member of the crew,including the director,wanted to take their names off from this film. Exploitflix recommended!