
Eighties cult movies and exploitation films on Exploitflix. All about obscure movies from the flashy Eighties. Slashers, bad hair and creatures from space.

The Challenge (1982) The Challenge

The Challenge (1982)

The Challenge is an American movie from 1982 directed by John Frankenheimer. Starring Scott Glenn and Toshirō Mifune. Plot A katana, one of a pair known as “The Equals”, was an heirloom of the Yoshida family, passed down through the generations before being lost during World War II. It was finally tracked down and recovered […]

The Initiation (1984) The Initiation

The Initiation (1984)

The Initiation is an American slasher film from 1984 directed by Larry Stewart. Starring Daphne Zuniga, Vera Miles, Clu Gulager, and James Read. Plot Since childhood, college student Kelly Fairchild has suffered from a recurring nightmare in which a strange man is burned alive in her childhood home. The nightmare began when Kelly suffered amnesia […]

Devil Hunter (1980) Devil Hunter

Devil Hunter (1980)

Devil Hunter  is a splatter film directed by Jesús Franco in 1980. He used the alias Clifford Brown.Starring All Cliver and Ursulla Buchfellner. It is one of the  video nasties that were banned in the United Kingdom in the eighties. Plot Laura (Buchfellner) is kidnapped and held in the jungle for ransom. Peter (Al Cliver […]

Domino (1988)

Domino (1988)

Domino, is a 1988 Italian erotic drama film directed by female director Ivana Massetti.Starring Brigitte Nielsen as Domino. Plot A girl in the video industry travels with a jeweled turtle and makes Billie Holliday videos. Though having relations with some of her friends, she is looking for love. She begins getting calls from a stranger […]

Raiders of Atlantis (1983) Raiders of Atlantis

Raiders of Atlantis (1983)

The Raiders of Atlantis or Atlantis Interceptors  is an Italian science fiction film directed by Ruggero Deodato from 1983. Starring Christopher Connelly, Gioia Scola, Tony King, Michele Soavi and George Hilton. Plot A team of scientists are trying to raise a sunken Russian nuclear submarine off the coast of Miami, Florida. They discover an ancient […]

The Gate (1987)

The Gate (1987)

The Gate is an occult horror film from Canada directed by Tibor Takács in 1987. Starring a young Stephen Dorff in his debut film. The film follows two young boys who accidentally release a horde of demons from their backyard through a large hole in the ground. Plot Two young boys accidentally release a horde […]

1990: The Bronx Warriors (1982) 1990: The Bronx Warriors (1982)

1990: The Bronx Warriors (1982)

1990: The Bronx Warriors (Italian: 1990: I guerrieri del Bronx) was one of the three science fiction films Enzo G Castellari made with producer Fabrizio De Angelis. The films are influenced by Mad Max 2 (1981), The Warriors(1979), and Escape From New York (1981). Plot In the year 1990 the Bronx is officially declared No Man’s Land. […]

The Last Starfighter (1984)

The Last Starfighter (1984)

The Last Starfighter is an American science fiction /space opera directed by Nick Castle. Starring Lance Guest, Catherine Mary Stewart, Robert Preston, Dan O’Herlihy, Norman Snow, and Kay E. Kuter. It may have been a cash-in on the success of Starwars and Wargames with a focus on arcade videogames.   Plot Alex is a teenager […]

Zombie Holocaust (1980)

Zombie Holocaust (1980)

Zombie Holocaust also known as Dr. Butcher MD is an Italian horror film from 1980 with a mix up of the Zombie and Cannibal subgenres. It’s directed by Marino Girolami. Starring Ian McCulloch snd Alexandra Delli Colli. Written by Fabrizio de Angelis. Plot A hospital worker is found to have been devouring bodies in the […]

Cobra against ninja (1987)

Cobra against ninja (1987)

Cobra against ninja is a ninja exploitation film made in HongKong from 1987 directed by Joseph Lai and Godfrey Ho. Starring Stuart Smith and Richard Harrison. Plot Cobra, a Ninja, is making high stake bets on ninja duels involving Gordon “The Red Champion”. Gordon has trained four men who after returning to civilian life end […]

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