La Vampire Nue (1970)

La Vampire Nue is a French film directed by Jean Rollin from 1970. Starring Christine François, Olivier Rollin, Caroline Cartier and Maurice Lemaitre. The English title is The Nude Vampire.
Wealthy and decadent industrialist Georges Radamante rules over a secret suicide cult and wants to achieve immortality by figuring out a way to share the biochemistry of a young mute orphaned vampire woman.
Complications ensue when Radamante’s son Pierre finds out what’s going on. He falls in love with a beautiful woman.
He tries to track her down, and learns she’s being held captive by his father and the cult who believe she’s a vampire.
Notable scenes
The first part of the movie with masked men chasing the woman, without any dialogue.
Making of La Vampire Nue
This was Jean Rollin’s first collaboration with cinematographer Jean-Jacques Renon and their first movie in color.
Critic McGillivray described the film as a “disconcerting mixture of traditional horror and furturistic sci-fi effects-achieves at its best a quality that is more hallucinatory than erotic.” McGillivray found that the set, costume designs and sequences at the baroque chateau have “a certain bizarre extravagance, but the essential thinness of the script is reinforced by Rollin’s tendency to strive for a sustained mood of mystery by holding shots for several seconds after the action has been completed.
Natalie Perrey was a last minute replacement for another older woman who backed out at the last minute.
It was the debut of the Twins Marie-Pierre and Catherine Castel in La Vampire Nue. They appeared in other Jean Rollin films after that. Catherine said in an interview that the sisters kept their casting in Rollin’s films a secret from their mother since their roles included so much nudity.
Our view on La Vampire Nue
we loved this movie. The style of Jean Rollin is totaly different than other vampire movies. The occult elements of the cult make the movie extra interesting. And sure, there is lots of full frontal nudity. Exploitflix must see!
Where to buy
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Genre: vampires
Released in: 1970
Era: seventies
Actors: Christine François, Caroline Cartier, Olivier Rollin
Director: Jean Rollin
Country: France
Poster artist: unknown